YKK AP Award Ceremony

Two weeks ago I had my first conference event at Niwashyu. This was actually an award ceremony for an exterior design created by Hayano san, the head of Niwashyu. The opening to the ceremony included an exciting video walk-through of presumably the latest designs and materials. Many talented architects were present and we saw some interesting design innovations, I also gained a further picture of how Japanese people are designing their garden spaces in Tokyo. Additionally, YKK gave a presentation about the kind of materials and styles of fences, flooring etc. that they are supplying architects and customers with. I really wanted to ask… do you use recycled materials, and do you talk to customers about the source of these? I also wanted to ask about perspectives of encouraging wildlife in gardens (such as butterflies, bees and birds), as is becoming popular in the UK. Perhaps questions for future meetings!

The designs exhibited were modern and clean cut, with a focus on decking in seating areas (if space) or the use of evergreen plants and minimalist tiling (if space was at a premium). Garden owners on an international scale usually want increasingly cost effective options independent of the space available, which often results in low maintenance designs. In Europe, many Asian plant species are used in gardens, however it is encouraging to see that native plants are still used in Japanese gardens. It will be interesting to see how preferences and designs change into the future. I hope for further use of native plants species, and the encouragement of more native flowers.

One of the few ladies present (an interior designer who was a judge for the awards), dressed in beautiful green kimono that apparently reflected her design style, spoke up to encourage more women into the profession. Well said! It’s always great to hear this kind of inspiration for women, no matter the business. She is a great role model for future women exterior and interior designer.

The award ceremony emphasized that the Japanese are very innovative within the small spaces they have to work with, and simplicity really works well with this. The designs were elegant and aesthetically pleasing, however, I cannot help but be a fan of native plants that encourage wildlife and am hoping to see them used in future designs. Maybe, once I’ve mastered some more of the language… this is something I can help to do!

After the event, it was great to be able to talk to some of the YKK representatives and learn more about their work. A very interesting and fun day out of the office! I would like to thank Hayano san and YKK AP for the warm invitation and reception during the award ceremony.














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